If you’re asking yourself, “Am I in love?”, then you’ve probably been looking at someone in a special way or are starting to feel an powerful emotion which you had never felt before. I know this feeling very well, because when I met that special one who’s my wife now I too felt an emotion like I had never experienced before.
Falling in love is simply wonderful. It’s unlike anything one can ever experience.
To make sure of that, here’s a short quiz that will show you whether you’ve been visited by Cupid or not.
Question of
Do you enjoy spending time with that person?
Not really
Only when I’m happy
Only when I’m sad
Yes, yes, yes!
Question of
When you argue with that person, how often do you let things slide?
All the time
We don’t have arguments; we’re not at that level yet
I don’t let things slide when they’re serious
Question of
Has that person ever visited you in your dreams?
Yes, and I didn’t want to wake up
They did once or twice
Once, maybe?
Question of
When you see that person for the first time during the day, how do you feel?
Question of
Do you know much about that person? Their morals, goals, ambitions, etc.?
I know somethings
I. Know. Everything.
I don’t know anything about them
I don’t really care that much, to be honest
Question of
When you think about that person, how do you feel?
I replay all of our great memories
I smile automatically
I feel normal
I don’t think about them
Question of
What do you like the most about that person?
The way they make me feel
Mainly their looks, but their personality isn’t bad
Just their looks
Question of
Can you imagine yourself living with that person and seeing them every single day?
Maybe in a fantasy world, where everything is happy and singing
I don’t know
Question of
Do you think about that person more than you think about yourself?
I think about them when I’m happy
I think about them when I’m sad
Question of
Are you currently dating that person?
Yes, we recently got in a relationship
Yes, we’ve been together for some time
No, but I’d like to
No, and I don’t want to at the moment
Question of
After an argument, are you quick to apologize?
If I realize I’m on the wrong, definitely!
We haven’t had really big ‘arguments’ yet.
I let time play its role and just let the arguments slide.
I’m often the first one to apologize, and I do it because I love this person so much.
Question of
What are your arguments like?
Our arguments usually end in a break-up. Very dramatic!
So far, we’ve not had a single argument.
After every argument, we enter a cold-war zone.
Arguments may get heated, but we still have enough respect not to say things that we might regret later on.
Question of
Can your better-half do no wrong?
I know nobody is perfect, but I’m really not with this person for their inner self, if you know what I mean!
They’re flawless.
My better half is so cute; everything’s forgiven!
Like everybody else, this person can do wrong sometimes too.
Question of
What do you like best about this person?
Their physical appearance – face, legs, hairstyle – I’m already drooling!
Honestly, I can’t decide – everything about them makes me go ga-ga!
The way this person is patiently waiting for me to get committed.
Everything – in and out!
Question of
How would you describe your partner?
Handsome, attractive, charming.
Perfect, 10/10.
Funny, kind, patient.
Caring, Compassionate, Loving.
Question of
If this person leaves you, how would you feel?
Nothing. It’s not that difficult to move on, Wink!
My whole world would crumble down. I can’t even imagine them leaving.
Perhaps I will hurt at first, but eventually, I will do good on my own.
Firstly, I would try my best to save this relationship. If at all, I will accept my fate.
Question of
Do you know the little things about this person? Their favorite TV show, band, food, activity?
Hmmm, not really!
Yes. In fact, they love the same things as me.
I could guess.
I may not know the specifics, but I definitely know their preferences.
Question of
Would you do things for this person that you’d usually never do for anybody else?
It really depends on what things.
Yes, they deserve the whole wide world!
If I’m not comfortable with it, I probably won’t.
If it means making them happy, I will definitely try.
Question of
Here’s a funny question – Do you guys fart openly in front of each other?
Hell, no!
We’re not there yet.
Even thinking about it is making my belly hurt. That’d be embarrassing!
We both do, and surprisingly, it’s not a big deal anymore. Haha.
Question of
Imagine this – Your partner doesn’t look physically attractive anymore – would your feelings still remain the same?
Honestly? Yes, this would be a bummer, even if I don’t say it out loud!
At this point, nothing can change my feelings for this person. I’m head over heels for them.
I would continue to be with them. But I can’t guarantee how long I’d stick around.
Without a doubt, Of course! I love this person for who they really are. And we know outer beauty fades with time.