Do you frequently experience hallucinations, anxiety, sadness, delusions, or disordered thinking? If so, you are likely to be psychotic.
We only reveal answers based on what you tick. So, it ultimately depends on your honesty!
Do you have a psychotic mind? Are you psychotic? Here is a quick Am I psychotic quiz to reveal the truth!
Question of
Have you ever experienced hallucinations?
Only when I am dreaming, I suppose
Can’t say as I’m not sure
Yes i have experienced them
Frequently and it’s annoying to experience them
Question of
Do you hear or see things that others do not?
Not at all; that’s spooky!
Just hear things (sometimes), not see!
All the time
Question of
Do you hear voices or sounds even when you’re alone?
Nope never heard any voice when I was alone
Only at night (rarely)
Sometimes i do hear them even though there’s no one around
Yes, most of the time
Question of
Do you talk to your imaginary friend? Have you ever had one?
Nope. And never had one.
I talk to myself (does that count?)
I had an imaginary friend as a kid. Not anymore.
Yes, every day!
Question of
Do you sometimes think that other people control the way you feel?
No, is that even possible?
Not control but they do influence our feelings in some way.
Sometimes? Yes!
A big fat yes!
Question of
Do you believe that you have supernatural powers?
Haha, that’ll be great! But nope!
Sometimes i think i do
Yes i’m sure i have then
Believe? I HAVE extraordinary powers!
Question of
Do you still enjoy doing the things you once loved?
Of course
Unless I’m tired
Not really
Nope now I don’t enjoy the things i loved
Question of
Do you doubt reality? Do you feel like you’re not living the ‘real’ life?
Only a mad person would feel that way
Sometimes I do doubt reality
Frequently is this a bad thing?
All the time I’m lost between reality and lies
Question of
When you are around people, do you constantly feel like they’re watching you/plotting against you?
Never have i felt this
Kind of and it depends on who’s around
How did you know?
Yes, so I like being all by myself!
Question of
How often do you talk to yourself or someone else inside your head?
I think a lot (that’s it)
I always talk to myself inside my head
I’m constantly communicating with someone else
All the time
Question of
Sometimes, I feel the presence of someone around me even though there is nobody physically present.
Not at all
Only during the night
Kind of and it scares me a lot
Yes and i enjoy this mysterious company