The purpose of this how attractive am I quiz is to make you understand what people find most attractive in you. Who doesn’t want to attract people? But, do you know that attraction has a lot to do with your personality?
While the physical outlook may make you look attractive, however it is your personality traits or character that will truly make you stand out.
Everybody is beautiful in their own unique ways. Someone who isn’t attractive enough on the outside may well attract people because of the person they are inside.
If you want to know how attractive you are, then play this quiz to find out!
Question of
What is the most attractive feature of your face?
Literally everything!
My eyes
My nose
My lips
Question of
You have 5 minutes to get ready for a party, what do you do?
Not panic, because I will look good anyway
Pick something that is comfortable
Cancel the party because I cannot get ready in 5 mins
Probably throw in a pair of heels, and voila! I’m ready!
Question of
Do people always approach you to make conversations?
Yes, almost every time
Maybe not always, but mostly
Not at all
Not much, but I keep them entertained whenever they do
Question of
If someone peeks into your soul, what would they find?
Someone who is confident
Someone who is caring
Someone who is insecure
Someone who enjoys life
Question of
Which of the following holiday destinations will you choose?
South Africa
Question of
How often do you work out?
If I am not home, then I will be at the gym
I don’t always exercise, but I think I am fit
I hate working out
I will work out if I have a good fitness partner
Question of
How attractive do you think you are?
I am always the show stopper wherever I go
I guess I am attractive enough
I don’t think I am attractive
I will make myself attractive if I intend on attracting people!
Question of
How are you at every party?
I talk and meet with everybody
I like to hang around with my bunch of people
I like to be invisible
I am the clown of the party
Question of
How would you rate your level of confidence?
I exude confidence!
Maybe 7-8 out of 10
I am not really sure
Am I getting paid for this?
Question of
What is an ideal Saturday night for you?
Party with friends
Invite friends over for dinner
A good book and Lemonade
Play a board game with friends
Question of
What does your everyday style look like?
Something fashionable and over-the-top
I like things that are classy
Anything I’m comfortable in.
I like experimenting with my style every day!
Question of
What is an ideal date night for you?
Juice and dine at an expensive restaurant
Eat good food and share experiences
Lots of talking!
Eat, and watch a movie and maybe more!
Question of
Which is your favorite comedy show?
Brooklyn nine-nine
The Big Bang Theory
Question of
Your best friend just broke up with their partner, what do you do?
Visit your friend to lighten the mood.
Call up the boyfriend/girlfriend and start abusing
Give your friend time to process the feelings
Buy some pizza and reach your friend’s place
Question of
An ideal vacation for you?
Shopping and lots of shopping!
Eat all kinds of food I get.
Visit historical places
Try sky-diving!
Question of
Which social media platform would you choose?
I can’t choose, I like them all!
Question of
Your ex-boyfriend shows up on your front door; you would?
Slam back the door on his face!
Politely ask what he wants from me.
Smile and invite him out of courtesy.
Maybe punch him or call 911!
Question of
One assumption most people have about you?
I am a shy person
I like to boss around
I am boring
I am weird
Question of
You’re at a party with unlimited food, you would?
Eat moderately- have to maintain my standard!
Eat a little more than I usually do
It doesn’t matter- I don’t eat lots of food.
Eat till I drop!
Question of
Your most attractive trait?