A loveless marriage quiz can help us sort out various doubts we have about our relationship. As we grow older, we notice more loveless marriages surrounding us than we used to. Times have changed, and people have stopped taking their vows seriously and have lowered their marriage’s sanctity. Several factors play a part in why a loveless marriage exists, with infidelity and insecurity being a few of them.
People stop spending as much time as they do with their partners after marriage. Some have an idea of love and marriage which is quite a fictional one, and they get lost in their own facade at first, but once they see how it actually is, they start to regret what they got themselves into.
Sometimes people get too deep into a loveless marriage and might feel scared to leave it. If anybody is in a relationship and is unhappy, they need to do what’s right for them. Regardless of how it’ll end up, people should prioritize themselves because their happiness is what matters at the end of the day.
Love does not run out; it just gets lost. And sometimes you may think you love the person, but it might not be real love. If you are trying all you can to make your marriage work, but your partner is doing nothing, the clear answer is for you to leave. No one can force anybody to be with them, even if they have a long history.
Some people rush to get into relationships, so they end up choosing the wrong one for themselves. Humans make mistakes and can even make some when choosing a partner. It’s normal, and you will eventually find the right one if the current one isn’t the one for you.
Not everyone’s marriage is good on the inside as it seems on the outside. Every couple has their problems, but how they choose to solve these problems shapes their future. Marriages will only work if you show up, make efforts, talk it out, and so on. If you and your partner do none of these, you may be wondering if you’re, in fact, in a loveless marriage. Are you? Take our loveless marriage quiz and find out for yourself.
Question of
Do you have a bank account that you share with your partner?
Why not? We have the same goals and ideas to spend our hard-earned money on.
Yes, we share a bank account.
No, I don’t trust them that they’ll use money wisely.
Definitely not. Sharing a bank account sounds like a stupid idea.
Question of
When did you last initiate an intimate moment with them? (for example, kisses, quality time, etc.)
A couple of hours ago.
It’s been a week since the last time.
Actually, it has crossed a month now since the last time.
Question of
Have you been feeling loved recently?
It’s been a few years since I felt loved.
I felt loved a year ago.
I don’t remember the last time I felt loved.
I’m unlucky with regards to love.
Question of
Do you cuddle or hug each other?
Yes, can’t go a day without them.
Only occasionally.
Obviously, particularly after having a sensual moment.
No, not as much as before.
Question of
Do you enjoy sleeping beside your partner?
Yes, why wouldn’t I?
Of course, I bought the bed for us.
Not really, just sometimes.
Definitely not. I dislike being close to my partner when I sleep.
Question of
Does your partner make you laugh?
Of course, we still share the same sense of humor as we did when we met.
Yes, the jokes we make help us tolerate one another.
No, I feel disgusted whenever my partner talks or jokes.
I don’t find my partner funny.
Question of
Do you feel like your partner has something to hide?
Not really. We don’t keep anything from each other.
No, I don’t think my partner has anything to hide.
Yes, at times they can be suspicious.
Of course. They’ve changed, and I can’t stand it.
Question of
How long ago was it when you and your partner went out together on a lunch/dinner date?
Our last date happened a few weeks ago.
We went out just a few months back.
A year ago.
I can’t remember because it’s been so long.
Question of
Do you find yourselves disagreeing on how to raise your children?
No, we are quite similar in the way we think.
Of course not.
Never, an agreement is a must.
Sometimes, yes.
Question of
Has your partner made you feel used?
Not at all.
I used to, but we talked it out.
Only a little.
Yes, I have completely felt that way.
Question of
How often do you have fights with your partner?
Not really.
Sometimes, but not too much.
Quite a lot.
Never we grew tired of fighting.
Question of
Do you always solve your conflicts together?
Sometimes, we agree to disagree.
Yes, we do because we don’t like to go to bed angry.
No, not really. We tend to suppress our anger.
Never. We resort to silent treatment and ignore each other.
Question of
Are you happy being with your partner?
Yes, I am.
My partner makes me very happy. I just forget sometimes.
I want to be, but I am not.
No, I haven’t felt happy in a long time.
Question of
When was the last time you asked each other how your days were?
Almost every day, we ask each other.
Every now and then, we come home, and if we have time, we talk about how our days went.
A long time ago. I have grown indifferent to my partner’s life.
I don’t remember. We don’t really care enough to ask.
Question of
Would you say you still feel attracted to your partner?
Yes, my partner is still attractive to me.
Sometimes, yes.
It depends.
No, I do not feel anything.
Question of
Is this attraction purely sensual or purely romantic in nature?
It is both romantic and sensual.
It is purely romantic.
It is purely sensual.
I feel no attraction whatsoever.
Question of
What’s the most vital thing that preserves a relationship?
Effort and patience because you can’t hope a relationship will work without either.
The connection I share with my partner will help me maintain the relationship.
I don’t know yet but I’m trying to find out.
A lot of intimacy can help make a relationship stable.
Question of
Have you lied to your partner?
No, I don’t like lying to my partner.
Sometimes, only little white lies.
I lie to protect my partner from the truth.
Yes, to a point where I can’t come clean anymore.
Question of
Do you believe you and your partner will get through anything?
Yes, if we are willing to fight for our love.
I don’t know, but I hope so.
Maybe but I have lost hope.
No, we are going to get a divorce.
Question of
Do you want to break the marriage apart?
No, I still want to fight for our marriage.
I don’t know if I should, that’s why I took this test to know what to do.
I’ve considered it.
Yes, I desperately want to leave.