Everyone loves desserts. It is the perfect finish to a meal.
For some, it can be the whole meal!. Desserts are so versatile.
They can be super cold or frozen, rich and gooey, and can be tiny and sophisticated looking.
Take the what dessert are you quiz to find out if you are yummy cold ice cream, gooey cake, or something more sophisticated.
Question of
Which is your favorite food?
Pizza or burger any day
A good rice bowl
I love a veggie wrap
Tomato Soup is my go-to dish
Question of
Pick one of these sporting activities that you will most likely do
Play basketball
Go for swimming
Go for a yoga class
Practice archery
Question of
Which is your favorite go-to drink?
Definitely a soda
I love lemonades
I’m a smoothie kind of person
Definitely coffee
Question of
Which is animal would you adopt if you were asked to adopt one?
Of course, a dog! Why anything else?
A fish, they are less maintenance
A bird, they’re adorable and beautiful to look at
Definitely a cat. They don’t need too much of my attention
Question of
Pick your favorite ice-cream flavor?
Nothing beats mint chocolate chip
Cookies and cream hands down
Strawberry ice-cream is my soulmate
Everybody’s favorite vanilla
Question of
What is your favorite time of the day?
I love evenings after sunset
I’m most active in the afternoons
I’m a morning person
I’m an owl who can function only at night
Question of
How do you react to tense situations?
I panic a lot and need someone beside me
I try to maintain my calm
I am chill and know how to control the situation
I remain focused in such situations
Question of
What is the most used app in your phone?
Instagram bro, who isn’t addicted to it?
I’m always checking updates on LinkedIn
My friends always find me watching videos on YouTube
I’m always watching something on Netflix
Question of
If you could have only one of these for life, which one would you pick?
Can’t live without smartphone
My laptop or computer, they are my life
I will never be able to function without music
Can I please always have my video games?
Question of
How would you describe your life?
Very exciting
Very organized
Very relaxing
Very meaningful