Scientific Fact:
No two people are alike, that’s a fact. We’re different in facial features; we’re different in our personalities, and at the end you’ll learn your unique type in this accurate body type quiz.
Different Body Types as per science?
The thing is, although there are unlimited possibilities when it comes to facial features and personalities, there are only three body types i.e. Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph .
How this quiz helps?
If you’re curious as to which somatotype you are, take this body type quiz to find out where you’ll have to honestly answer 20 questions which were created after lots of research to help you get an accurate answer.
Disclaimer: We don’t collect quiz data
The data that you enter here is completely safe, and we do not collect any quiz data but reaffirm that this is just a fun way to know more about yourself and kindly note that this is not a medical advice.
Question of
Try encircling your wrist with your other hand’s thumb and middle finger. What happened?
My fingers didn’t touch at all
My fingers overlapped
My fingers just touched
Question of
Where do you store fat the most?
In my hips, thighs, and buttocks
In my abdomen as well as my back
My weight is evenly distributed
Question of
Which of the following best describes your physique?
I’m thin and long, with a small frame with narrow shoulders
I have a soft and round body
My body is rectangular with well-defined muscles
Question of
How easy is it for you to put on weight?
Super hard. I can eat whatever I want and still look exactly the same
Super easy. I can eat a donut and add on like ten pounds
It depends on what I eat and how often I do it
Question of
Which of the following best describes your eating habits and metabolism?
I eat anything and everything while struggling to gain weight
If I don’t want to gain weight, I must be super conscious as to what I’m eating
I usually do best when I’m on a mixed diet, consuming balanced amounts of carbs, fats, and protein
Question of
Which body shape best describes you?
Thin wrists, fingers, and ankles
Thick wrists, fingers, and ankles
Broad shoulders
Question of
Your shoulders are:
Narrower than my hips
Wider than my hips
The same width as my hips
Question of
Your forearms look:
Question of
Objectively speaking, which of these elements seems most prominent when you look in the mirror?
Bone fat
Question of
How was your body when you reached your full height as a teenager or young adult?
I looked long and thin
I looked soft and rounded
I looked lean and compact
Question of
What happens when you take a prolonged break from exercising?
I tend to lose weight and muscle quickly
I tend to put on weight
I tend to stay the same
Question of
How do you feel after a heavy carb fest?
Am I supposed to feel anything after eating a pizza or something?
I feel bloated for hours
I usually feel good, but my belly tends to feel a bit full
Question of
Which of the following best describes your bone structure?
My frame is small and delicate
My frame is relatively large
My frame is medium, I guess?
Question of
Do you have cellulite?
A little
Question of
If jeans don’t fit, it’s because they’re:
Loose in the waist and glutes
Tight in the waist and glutes
Loose in the waist but tight in the glutes
Question of
If shirts don’t fit, it’s because they’re:
Loose in the chest and waist
Tight in the waist
Tight in the chest but loose in the waist
Question of
As a child, you were:
Question of
What’s your activity level?
Always moving and hyperactive
Fairly active
Question of
What do people usually tell you regarding your weight?
How can you even eat that much and look exactly the same?!
You’re getting a bit overweight, have you thought about hitting the gym?
You look great, stay the same!
Question of
When are you hungry?
All the time!
At mealtimes