Social media is abuzz with numerous accounts of people claiming that Snapchat’s Artificial Intelligence is keeping an eye on them. Is this a cause of alarm for Snapchat? It is uncertain whether this is actually taking place or if users are just suspecting the worst.
This Snapchat AI just tried to gaslight me
— Bob (@rewolfe27) April 19, 2023
For those who don’t know about Snapchat’s AI, here’s a recap: Snapchat Plus subscribers, have you met the latest addition to the app?
Snapchat has launched its AI-powered chatbot, My AI, which runs on OpenAI’s new conversational text engine, ChatGPT. Although some may be hesitant to embrace this new technological development, My AI is readily available if you choose to give it a try.
While having a little chat with your robot companion, keep in mind that this AI chatbot is not an expert in giving advice and should never be trusted with personal information and sensitive topics because who knows what it might spill! Better safe than sorry, though, so not even Snapchat takes responsibility for any mishaps encountered with My AI.
Eliminating Snapchat’s My AI – A Comprehensive Guide!
Do you want to cease your use of Snapchat’s My AI automated conversation? If so, you’re not alone – many users wish to unpin the chatbot’s words and remove it permanently.
Fortunately, you can accomplish this via the Snapchat+ settings page by following a few simple steps. Here’s how to take action and eliminate the chatbot from your chat screen:
Located in the upper left corner is your Bitmoji or profile picture. Simply click on it!
To alter your settings, navigate to the gear icon located in the upper right corner and select “Settings”.
To ensure that your privacy remains intact, select the “Clear Data” option from the “Privacy Controls” list.
To proceed, wipe away all the conversations by pressing the “Clear Conversations” button on the upcoming screen.
To cast away the chatbot from your talking stream, simply hit on the “X” symbol found beside My AI on the Clear Conversations screen.
Nevertheless, Snapchat remains optimistic that artificial intelligence will gradually transform their platform, intensifying user connection.
Despite the coronavirus pandemic and economic uncertainty, their paid subscriber rate is on the upswing, with more than two million customers. To Snapchat’s delight, their AI technology is poised to further elevate those figures in the not too distant future.
What Fate Awaits Information Given to Snapchat’s AI?
Holding onto conversations? That’s no problem at all; with Snapchat, the “Chat” tab is always open for saving. Though this could make some worry about their privacy, there’s no need to fret – the data is kept secure within Snapchat’s servers, leaving your information just as secure as ever.
Snap’s remarkable Artificial Intelligence technology primarily relies on the knowledge gained from your activities and city-level whereabouts. This information will help to enhance their products such as My AI and adverts, tailoring them to your unique preferences. If you would like to eliminate your details, here is what you should do:
To access the settings page, select your profile icon and then hit the gear icon.
Unmasking “Privacy Controls”; Opt to Erase Information.
Affirm the decision to erase your Artificial Intelligence chat queries.
To access settings and customize your experience, click your Profile icon then the gear icon.
Locate your Account Adjustments.
After selecting “Clear My AI Chat Queries,” be sure to affirm the choice.
Now you know what Snapchat’s My AI is and steps to take if you feel you don’t want it, but we would advise you not to jump to conclusions just yet and wait for an official explanation from Snapchat.