Let me take a wild guess you’re here, because you’re wondering am I dumb and one of the reasons to feel this would be any recent hurtful comments by close people around you.
Well, there’s no shame in discovering the answer and proving those people wrong.
To help you prove your worth, I have designed this am I dumb test, which will show you several questions and based on what you answer the truth will be revealed.
So are you excited to brag about your results, well then stop waiting and play this Am I dumb quiz.
Question of
Let’s begin with an easy question, what’s 10+5?
Super easy it’s 50
Umm it’s something between 10 and 18
Question of
Let’s try some anatomy. How many bones are there in the human body?
25 am i correct
Either 280 or 560, I guess?
Wait, there are bones in the human body?
206, obviously.
Question of
Is Jupiter in USA or in Solar System?
What’s Jupiter?
Can i google it?
I know this answer somewhere in USA
It’s in the Solar System
Question of
Pick the wrong answer below
Is this question correct?
The wrong answer
The wrong answer below
Question of
What do you do when you make a blunder?
I don’t make blunders
I pretend it didn’t happen
I admit it and move on
I admit it blunders are my chances to learn.
Question of
Do you think you’re better than other humans?
Yes I Do
Most of the time
Not really
Nope I Don’t
Question of
How would you feel if someone called you fat?
I’d get really pissed
I’d say the same about them
I’d stop talking to them for a while
I wouldn’t care
Question of
Do you think you are dumb?
Yes, I do.
Maybe, that’s why i’m taking this quiz
No, but I wanted to be sure.
Wrong question, I’ll pass.
Question of
If a animal bites you, what would you do?
Threaten the animal with a lawsuit
Wait for someone to rescue me
Clean the wound myself
Go see a doctor
Question of
Finally, why did you decide to take this quiz?
I have nothing better to do, to be honest.
People always say I’m stupid, but I think they’re joking
I got into an embarrassing situation
I just want to prove that I’m not dumb