Being Emo is not just about wearing skinny jeans or having an edgy haircut anymore, and you’ll see what I mean in this test curated specifically for people who’re emotional.
Do you really have what it takes to be a true emotional kid?.
Do you emit that “emo” vibe?
Well, you can be sure once you take this fun Am I Emo Quiz!.
Question of
How many piercings do you have?
Several/ Thinking of getting more
More than 2
Less than 2
None, piercings hurt!
Question of
What kind of characters do you prefer in movies?
Eccentric/ unconventional characters
Unpopular characters
Funny and fun characters
Mainstream characters
Question of
How do you deal with sadness?
Cry my lungs out
Sob/Listen to emotional songs
Try to forget about it
Honestly? It depends on the reason
Question of
How would you describe your style?
Bold/one that’s daring
Tight and anything dark colored
Fashionable and anything that’s hot on trend
Hippie and Chic
Question of
Here are some outfit ideas. Which one are you most drawn to?
Everything skinny and black
Basic t-shirts and skinny jeans
Anything trendy
Anything vibrant and colorful
Question of
What’s your current hair color and style?
Dyed-black and straightened hair
Short haircut/ Natural black color
Wavy hair/ Brown
Beachy curls/ Trendy hairstyles/ Funky hair color
Question of
What does being Emo mean to you?
Being Emo can mean a lot of things to different people. But it definitely doesn’t mean crazy.
Emo is largely related to a music genre.
Being emotional maybe
I really don’t know.
Question of
How often do you listen to music?
I can’t go a day without it
Several times a day
Whenever the mood calls for it
Not much
Question of
Do you have any tattoos?
Heck yeah! I’ve got many
Yes, and I love them
Yes, but I kind of regret them
No, that’s gross!
Question of
Have you ever rocked that signature emo kid hairstyle- bangs in your face?
Yes, I definitely have.
Not really, but I want to give it a try.
Nope, and I will never dare to!
Hmm, what is that?
Question of
What’s your favorite weather?
Cloudy or rainy days
Windy days
Sunny days
Pleasant weather with just the right amount of sunshine
Question of
What’s your taste in music?
Emocore or Rock
Grunge or Punk
Blues or Indie
Pop or R&B