Why do some people hurt others – physically or emotionally?.
While some are empathetic and understanding, some can be selfish and downright hurtful.
Is this because some are nice and others are not?. Can you be both?
Take this Are you a bad person quiz to know more.
Question of
When you get into a disagreement with somebody, you..?
Try to see where their opinions are coming from
Don’t care about their opinion
Keep explaining why you’re right and they’re wrong
Yell and scream till you’re proven right
Question of
If you find an unidentified wallet on the street, you will..?
Put up posters to let the owner find it
Leave it where you found it
Take it with you
Keep the money and leave the wallet
Question of
If someone forces their religious ideologies on you, you..?
Tell them politely you follow other religion
Walk away
Tell them to stop talking
Tell them your religion is the best
Question of
How often do you lie in a day?
I don’t
1-5 times
5-10 times
I don’t have a count because I lie too often
Question of
How often do you argue with your friends?
Very rarely
Depends on the topic
Yes, whenever they have a different opinion
I always look for an opportunity to pick an argument
Question of
Have you ever broken any law?
No, I didn’t.
Not yet but I want to, just for the thrill of it
Yes, I have
I loved breaking laws
Question of
When you see someone crying, what do you do?
Console them till they’re okay
Ask what happened and leave
Pat them
Ignore and walk away
Question of
Would you lie to make someone feel happy?
Why not? It’s how they feel matters
I would but tell them the truth eventually
If it benefits me, I will
No, I don’t care how they feel
Question of
If your child cried for attention, what would you do?
I’ll give them all my attention and make them happy
I’ll give them a toy to distract
I’ll scold them to stop crying
I’ll just leave them crying and do what I’m doing
Question of
Have you ever cheated on your partner?
Never ever!
No, but I have thought of it
Yes, I have
I have but I have no guilt