Perhaps you’ve found yourself looking at this do I love myself quiz because you have some doubts.
Your friends may think you’re amazing, but do you agree? Do you need reassurance, or are you confident enough already?.
Do you question yourself a lot, or are you happy with the path you’re on?.
Either way, we’re sure your doubts are unfounded.
Self-improvement is great, but there’s also nothing wrong with bugging yourself up and feeling that you’re good the way you are.
After all, if you can’t love yourself... well, you know how the saying goes.
Question of
A friend gives you a compliment…
Thanks! I’m glad you noticed!
Blushing and awkwardness ensues
They’re lying to make me feel better
Question of
What’s the first thing you think when you look in the mirror?
Well, hello there…
I could do with a haircut
I try to avoid mirrors
Question of
You’re going on a date tonight. How are you feeling?
So blase
I can’t wait! Already got the butterflies!
Pretty nervous, but I hope it goes well!
What was I thinking!? I should cancel…
Question of
You make a small mistake. Do you…
I don’t make mistakes! It was clearly someone else’s fault
Own up to it, everything will be okay
Own up to it, but feel pretty dumb
Feel like you can never do anything right
Question of
Your friends invite you out. How do you feel?
Why would I feel anything? We go out all the time
Looking forward to it. Should be fun!
Excited, but I’m going to have to spend some time making myself look good
I don’t want to go. Too nervous
Question of
Someone criticizes you. How do you take it?
Well. They’re clearly wrong
Well. Maybe they have a point, maybe they don’t. It’s not a big deal
Not too well. Are they just saying it to get me down?
Badly. Do people really hate me?
Question of
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
Yes, and I’ll definitely accomplish it
Yes, and I’m on the right track
Kind of
Even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to make it work
Question of
Do you like spending time alone?
I’ve got too many friends for that
Yeah, but I like spending time with others just as much
Not really. If I’m alone with my thoughts for too long I’ll go crazy
No, I’m not doing it out of choice
Question of
Do you think of yourself as a funny person?
Well, yeah, I’m the life of the party
I do seem to make people laugh a lot
I can crack a joke every now and then
Not at all
Question of
Can you name a lot of positive attributes about yourself?
I’ll reel off a million for you
If you give me a little time, I could make a list
I could think of a couple
Nothing good comes to mind