Sometimes, men can be hard to read. They often grow up being told not to cry, not to share their emotions, and to remain calm.
Unfortunately, this often means that they have trouble expressing their true emotions and feelings to their significant others.
The women on the receiving end are sometimes left questioning whether or not their man actually loves them, or if he’s just not that good at showing it.
If you’re ready to end all of the endless questions in your head and find out the truth, then take the Does He Love Me Quiz and discover!
If you’re still not sure, make sure to take the Is My Husband Still Attracted to Me Quiz as well.
Question of
Does he tell you he loves you?
All the time
I’ve told him
Question of
Do you communicate often throughout the week?
When we have time
Question of
How often do you see each other?
Every day
A few times a week
Once or twice a month
We rarely see each other
Question of
How does he treat you?
Best Friend
Question of
Does he randomly tell you how he feels about you?
He’s in-tune with his emotions
When he remembers
When we argue
Not yet
Question of
Do you’ll talk about the future together?
In a joking way
Question of
How do you solve problems or arguments?
We talk
We text
We never talk about it
We never argue
Question of
Does he apologize after an argument?
Yes, always
Only if I say it first
Why should we apologize
Question of
How often does he compliment you?
Once in a while
He sometimes compliments me
He doesn’t need to
Question of
Why do you doubt he loves you?
No reason
It’s a new relationship
Not sure just a gut feeling
Past relationships