We’ve created this economic literacy quiz to help you work out just how much you know about the economy.
Are you a regular Milton Friedman, or did you learn everything you know from Lehman Brothers?
A lot of people don’t care to know about the economy.
To them it is just something that’s there, doing its thing, and they’ll rarely give it much of a thought.
Having a good grasp of it can be very advantageous, however, and to many, it is actually very interesting.
We’re guessing you’re here because you share that opinion.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start the quiz and see how much you know!.
Question of
Which of these countries has the largest economy?
Question of
What is the IMF?
Issued Mandatory Finance
International Monetary Fund
Integral Mandate Fund
Integrated Measure of Finance
Question of
Services make up what percentage of the US economy?
Approximately 30
Approximately 50
Approximately 70
Approximately 90
Question of
What is shorting?
Profiting from rising stock
Profiting from holding stock
Buying low and selling high
Profiting from falling stock
Question of
What is an entrepreneur?
Someone who becomes the manager of a business
Someone who works for a business
Someone who starts a new business
Someone who buys from a business
Question of
When did the first currency emerge?
About 500 years ago
About 1000 years ago
About 3000 years ago
About 5,000 years ago
Question of
Who is considered the ‘father of economics’?
John Maynard Keynes
Alfred Marshall
Robert Lucas Jr
Adam Smith
Question of
What does GDP stand for?
Gross Domestic Produce
Gross Domestic Product
Great Domestic Product
Great Domicile Produce
Question of
What is inflation?
The growth of stocks
When a currency gains value
The fall of purchasing power of currency
When an economy grows
Question of
Who said “stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau” 3 days before the market crash of 1929?
John Bates Clark
Irving Fisher
James Tobin
Alan Greenspan