Empath is the noun used to describe someone empathetic. An empathetic person knows how to put themselves in the shoes of someone else and in this test we will discover whether you’re an empath.
They are the best when it comes to understanding people; therefore are great at making meaningful relationships.
However, if you score very high on this intuitive empath test, it probably means that you are very emotional and may turn out to be more of a burden than a boon. Highly empathic persons also are prone to addictions. So it is essential to maintain a balance when it comes to empathy.
Too little makes you seem like a cold and distant person, whereas too much can make you look overly dramatic. Take this physiological empath test/empath quiz to know which level of empathy you have.
Question of
When you hear a sad story, what is your reaction?
I feel very emotional and even break down
I feel sad
I don’t feel sad, but I know the story is a sad one
I don’t feel anything
Question of
If your friend calls you for an emotional talk, but you have a lot of work to do, what is your reaction?
I will drop everything to be there for my friend.
I will listen to my friend and tell them to wait till I finish my work
I will finish my work first
I wouldn’t say I like being disturbed when I have work.
Question of
If you see an injured animal, what is your reaction?
I feel very saddened by it and try to help
I feel bad for the animal
I might call a friend who can help
I wouldn’t say I like animals
Question of
Are you always tired?
All the time! It’s like I don’t sleep at all
Yes, but not always
I get enough sleep so that I don’t feel tired
I’m never tired unless I work excessively
Question of
Would you say that you like to please people?
Yes, definitely!
Yes, as long as I have the capabilities
Yes, but not all the time
No, I don’t feel like it’s necessary
Question of
Do you bring them home or to the shelter to care for them if you see stray animals?
Yes. Or else I can’t go to sleep
Yes, I always make it a point to help them
No, but I call the shelter and direct them
No, I don’t feel like it’s my responsibility
Question of
What kind of movies do you like to watch?
Emotional movies
Movies with a moral ending
Murder Documentaries
Question of
Is it easy for you to forgive other people for their mistakes?
Yes, I can’t hold a grudge
Yes, but it takes time
No, I always think of myself first
No, they did me wrong, so they don’t deserve my forgiveness.
Question of
What is your reaction when you watch a sad movie?
I am always in tears!
I feed very moved by it
I wouldn’t say I like watching sad movies
I don’t feel anything
Question of
Are you prone to a lot of mood swings?
Yes, it’s like I’m in a swing all the time.
Yes, but only on some days
No. I don’t get easily fazed
No. I’m always neutral.
Question of
If you happen to hear a baby crying, what do you feel?
I feel like crying
I wonder what is wrong
I don’t think anything
I wouldn’t say I like too much noise
Question of
Whenever someone says something, do you try to read between the lines?
All the time
I do analyze but try not to think too much
I don’t overthink
I don’t talk to people
Question of
Do you have a strong gut instinct?
Yes, I do
Yes, almost always
Yes, but only when it comes to severe things
I like to think so
Question of
Are you wary of how other people feel due to your actions?
I always put others’ feelings before my own
I am wary of my actions
I try not to hurt people deliberately
I don’t have a filter
Question of
Which among these places would you instead go to?
Quiet lake
Outskirts ranch
A house party
A concert
Question of
Do you like being in crowded places?
No, I feel suffocated
No, I would rather be in my room
No, but I don’t mind it
I am a social person
Question of
Do you encourage your family and friends to share their problems with you?
I always encourage sharing
I don’t talk about my feelings with my family
I wouldn’t say I like to talk about my feelings
Question of
Do people come to you with their problems?
Yes, and I love to listen to their problems
Yes, and I try to understand them
Yes, but I can’t help them
No. I keep to myself.
Question of
Has anyone ever told you that you are emotional?
Yes, everyone!
Some people have mentioned it
only my closest friends
No one has told me I’m emotional
Question of
Is it easy for you to say no to others?
That is the hardest thing to do
I try to say yes as long as I am capable
No, but I stand my ground
No. I know what I want.