Nobody likes to be labeled as a ‘difficult person,’ but what does it actually mean?
To determine this, Dr. Chelsea Sleep, Ph.D., and her colleagues at the University of Georgia performed a study about the structure of antagonism in order to objectively define the exact personality qualities that contribute to a person being ‘difficult.’
Of course, determining whether or not you exhibit particular characteristics is not always straightforward. This is why we enjoy taking personality questionnaires since they provide insight into characteristics that we may externalize but struggle to articulate. This 2024 Solutiontales Difficult Person Test will determine how difficult you are to handle.
How to Conduct the Difficult Person Test Quiz?
Your ‘Difficult Person Test’ results are then shown on a graph showing how you assessed each item and then a percentage score is provided indicating how easy (or difficult) you are.
Difficult Person Tests depend a lot not only on honesty but also on a strong sense of self-worth, which, to be honest, is unusual for people.
Although the test is based on Sleep research, IDRLabs emphasizes that free online testing such as this is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a “definitive personality test” or mental health diagnosis.
However, the Sleep study broke the psychological foundations of a difficult personality, and the Difficult Person Test makes it easier to look at how they emerge in people’s daily lives.
The Seven Critical Characteristics Assessed by the Difficult Person Test
1. Callousness
As per Dr. Durvasula, callousness, which is defined as a lack of empathy, can make it difficult for someone to deal with because empathy is a necessary part of a successful relationship. They are indifferent to the emotional experiences, the pain, and the injuries endured by others.”
Dr. Durvasula explains that without empathy, it’s difficult to form a healthy relationship because you lose the capacity to connect on the basis of vulnerability.
2. Magnificence
When someone scores highly on the Difficult Person Test for grandiosity, it may indicate that they feel they are superior to others.
While grandiose people might be quite attractive due to their lofty ambitions, they can also be rather tiresome to be around. They may be disconnected from reality, suffocating their interpersonal interactions, Dr. Durvasula continues.
3. Aggressiveness
Someone with a high level of aggressiveness is likely to be angry and disrespectful toward others, which does not make them easy to get along with — especially when these individuals may enter a room prepared for a verbal argument.
4. Suspicion
Not that you shouldn’t be skeptical of those who exhibit indicators of untrustworthiness, but being too suspicious is also not conducive to getting along with others. In terms of the Difficult Person Test, a high suspicion score indicates that the individual is having difficulty trusting, which is a necessary component of partnerships.
Suspicious people may think that no one has a backbone, that everyone intends to hurt them, or that everyone has ulterior motives. When you encounter someone like this, particularly if you have done nothing to justify their suspicion it may indicate that you will have a difficult time getting along.
5. Manipulativeness
Simply put, those who score highly on manipulativeness engage in various sorts of exploitative conduct in order to obtain what they desire (as opposed to just asking for help.)
This is problematic because it usually means that only the fraudster meets their needs. Because they are abusive, they always take other people, get what they want and need, which means some people are not getting what they want.
6. Superiority
As with aggressiveness, dominance in relationships is motivated by fear. There is no equity in a dominant relationship. There will be no sharing. It is not a matter of relationship. It’s about governing via fear and making another person feel dominated, which is detrimental to a person in a relationship.
7. Taking Calculated Risks
Having a high risk-taking score may imply more than a strong feeling of adventure. Rather than that, it may describe an individual who seeks thrills through hazardous conduct or harmful pursuits.
What You Should Know Before Taking the Quiz?
Being Unfriendly is Not a Form of Mental Illness
Disagreement is not a sign of mental illness. While it may have its origins in such issues, it is not a self-contained condition.
No Scientific Method is There to Identify Problematic People
Numerous research has been undertaken recently on the issue. However, professionally diagnosing someone with personality complexity disorders remains difficult. In this case, talking to a psychologist is the best way to determine if you are an unpleasant person. If you do not wish to visit a specialist, another alternative is to take the Difficult Person Test programme.
The Outcomes Do Not Provide an Excuse for Being a Poisonous Individual
You should not use the title “difficult individual” to justify poisonous behavior. Certain characteristics, such as manipulativeness and aggressiveness may also be detrimental to the mental and physical health of others. As a result, you should be responsible for your own conduct and refrain from offending others.
Question of
If you are put in a group for a project, how do you handle it?
Do you mean to do all the work myself and get no recognition for it? No thanks.
I’m not too fond of group projects. I’d instead do it myself
Please, does anyone even like being in a group?
I would say I am a team player.
Question of
Are you someone who holds grudges?
An eye for an eye is my motto
Of course. Some people deserve all the hate
If they have done me wrong, of course.
I don’t want to pollute my mind with such thoughts.
Question of
If you experienced a breakup, what would you say is the most likely reason it happened?
I always win the arguments
They hate being criticized
I believe it was a mutual breakup
Probably because we didn’t put in the work
Question of
What would you say is your mood all the time?
I am always sarcastic
Anger at the idiots of the world
It’s a spectrum
It fluctuates according to how my day is
Question of
How would you respond if you were to meet a high-school bully at your workplace?
Make their life difficult
Tell everyone about it
Confront the bully
Let it go. It is in the past.
Question of
Whenever you’re at a restaurant with waiters and waitresses, what is your first thought of them?
They never do their jobs properly
They are always a nuisance
I don’t think anything of them
How do they remember all the orders?
Question of
If you find out that you were wrong all along at the end of an argument, how do you respond?
I’m never wrong
I probably lie until it is the truth
I can’t take it
I keep quiet
Question of
Would you say that people are afraid of you?
Everyone fears me
Yes. And I like it
No, but sometimes I can lash out
No. I am very friendly.
Question of
When was the last time you remember admitting to your mistakes?
I have never been wrong
I wouldn’t say I like to lose
I’m not keen on confrontation
I don’t remember
Question of
What kind of person do you think you would be if you were a wealthy person?
The ultimate flex King
Show my haters where I am
Treat all my friends to a luxury
Save up and invest
Question of
Are you a fan of the phrase, “I told you so”?
Duh. I’m always right.
I say that more than I like to admit
Yes. What can I say? I have good instincts
I would prefer not to run salt on wounds
Question of
Do you think that you are a lawful citizen?
Rules were made to be broken
I live one day at a time.
Whenever I want to be.
Yes. Have to follow the rules
Question of
If you became an overnight sensation, do you think that you deserve the fame?
I do
Yes. I deserve it
I don’t mind it
I don’t know what I would be famous for, but I’m not opposed to the idea.
Question of
If your friend asked you for help on his project that will probably get him a lot of money, would you help?
Only if I also get a cut of the money
It depends on the circumstances
If I can
Yes, I would
Question of
How often do you say, “I knew it all along”?
That’s my middle name
A lot!
I think it. I don’t say it
Not too much
Question of
Which MCU character would you say resonates with you the most?
Tony Stark
Dr. Strange
Captain America
Question of
Which among these would you say is your pet peeve?
Slow walkers
Talking during movies
Nail clipping in public
Misusing punctuation’s
Question of
How are you in relationships?
I’m not the best
I haven’t had a successful one
I have been in one or two
I’m in one right now
Question of
Which is the role you are likely to play in a relationship?
I’m the one who always wins arguments
I’m most likely the victim
I am dominant
I’m always the counselor
Question of
If you were to come into a lot of money suddenly, what is your response?
It’s all about flexing
Show off for sure
Buy all the luxury items
Treat my friends