If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your third eye is open, this quiz is for you!
It is also known as the Ajna Chakra in Indian spiritual traditions, is described as a mystical invisible eye. It’s associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight.
Some people believe that we all have it, but for some reason, it’s closed off for most of us.
However, it’s said that through certain practices, we can open it and tap into our true potential.
So, do you think yours has opened yet? Take our “is my third eye open quiz” to find out!
Question of
What do you think is your biggest strength?
Self-awareness and intellect
My intuition
Hmmm, I might need some time to figure it out
Question of
What kind of power would you want to have?
See the future
Telekinesis or invisibility
The ability to fly
The power to buy anything I like
Question of
What’s your ideal past-time activity?
Doing some yoga or meditating
Reading a book
Listening to music
Chilling with friends or clubbing
Question of
Two of your best friends got into an argument; how do you fix it?
Get a proper understanding of the situation first before giving my advice
Talk to each friend individually to find out how they feel
Arrange a friendly date and get them to talk it out
Honestly, I wouldn’t want to get into the mess
Question of
You’re packing your bags for a trip, but something doesn’t feel right. What do you do?
Immediately unpack and stay back
I would probably stay back, depending on how strongly I feel
I’ll talk to a close one and follow their advice
There’s no stopping me once my bags are packed
Question of
Do people often come to you for advice?
Yes, always
Yes, sometimes
Only my friends
No, they don’t
Question of
What do you think is your spirit animal?
The most powerful; Dragon
An eagle
A tiger
A fox
Question of
If something goes the wrong way, how do you feel?
Accept and let it go
Feel a little disappointed but accept it anyway
Try to fix it. If nothing works, just move on
Feel extremely disappointed or even angry
Question of
Money or love- what do you pick and why?
Love because nothing’s more important than that
Love because money can’t buy happiness
Will have to think about that
Of course, money
Question of
Where are you likely to survive alone – island or city?
Island for sure, in the midst of nature
Maybe an island
I can’t choose
I’m a city person