As soon as you graduate high school, you have to start figuring what to do next.
The confusion doubles when you’re thinking about a medical profession or becoming a doctor.
But, choosing a medical profession shouldn’t be done overnight. There has to be lots of researching done about yourself first, before you start looking for colleges.
To find out whether you’re fit to become a doctor or not, take this simple “should I be a doctor quiz” now!
Question of
What do you do when you see blood?
Nothing. I’m chill.
Doesn’t bother me too much.
It scares me a little.
I tremble at the thought of it
Question of
Do you depend on supplements to take care of your health?
Yes, a 100%.
Yes, when I’m not on a good diet.
Very rarely
No, I don’t.
Question of
What would you advice in order to keep the doctor away?
Eating right and exercising is the key.
Take your supplements regularly.
Visit a herbalist instead.
Avoid the city life, eat organic and stay away from human beings.. become a hermit.
Question of
How do you feel about injections and syringes?
I’m not scared of needles so nothing.
It’s just a mosquito bite.
I close my eyes and distract myself
I’m terrified of it
Question of
Do you always follow the right dosage on the medicine prescription?
Of course. Who doesn’t?
Yes, I am too worried about my health.
I stop taking the drugs as soon as I feel better
No, excessive drugs will harm my body.
Question of
What was your favorite subject in school?
Arts and literature
Question of
What is your opinion on mercy killings?
It is the right thing to do for people who don’t want to suffer so much.
It is a sad favor but to each their own.
It is murderous!
It is a sin and against the wish of God.
Question of
Are you good at interacting with people?
Yes, I can really get into people’s minds.
I can hold conversations well.
I can barely make an eye contact when someone talks to me.
No, I dread socializing or any kind of interaction with people.
Question of
Are you empathetic?
Yes, very much.
Sometimes, yes.
I try my best.
I find it hard to be.
Question of
How well do you handle psychological pressure?
Excellent at it
Pretty well
I struggle with it
I can’t handle it