Deciding what you want to study in college is a challenge, especially if you’re not even sure what you want to do with your life yet.
Do you want to focus on making as much money as possible or do you want to follow your passion and do something that truly makes you happy? The options at your disposal are endless.
Finance is a popular major for people who want to work with money, and consequently, make money from that very work.
In today’s Should I Major in Finance Quiz, you’ll answer some questions that will help us determine whether or not finance would be a suitable major for you, so go ahead and get started!
Question of
How well do you manage your money?
I save my money and invest it when I should
I usually make good decisions but my judgement can sometimes get clouded
I think my money management skills are average
I’m terrible at dealing with money
Question of
When did you get your first bank account?
When I was a child
When I was a teenager
When I was an adult
I still don’t have a bank account
Question of
Do you know the difference between credit and debit?
Yes, and I can explain all of the details
I have a pretty good idea of the difference
I just know the functional differences but none of the theoretical reasons behind them
No, I don’t know the difference
Question of
How good is your credit score?
I have excellent credit
My credit is good
My credit is average
My credit is poor
Question of
What do you know about stockbrokers?
They tend to use advanced strategies like shorting and dollar-cost averaging to outpace the competition.
They trade stocks on exchanges like the NYSE and the TSX for a living.
They broker stocks?
I don’t know what they do
Question of
What is the Federal Reserve?
The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States, presided over by a chairman.
The Federal Reserve is responsible for printing the money that we use on a daily basis
I think the Federal Reserve is a bank or something
I have no idea
Question of
Did your parents teach you how to handle money?
My parents gave me all of their investment strategies and taught me how to handle money from a young age
My parents typically handled all of the finances, but they explained a few key details to me
My parents helped me open my first bank account
My parents never taught me how to manage money
Question of
You just got your paycheck; what do you do?
Deposit at least a third of it into my savings account, use some for expenses, and save the rest as spending money.
Handle my bills and put the rest into my checking account.
Pay rent and then go buy whatever I want.
Spend it all on expensive shoes
Question of
Are you interested in how money works?
It’s my purpose for existing
It seems like a pretty interesting concept
Not really
No, I just spend money, I don’t understand it
Question of
How good are your grades?
I have excellent grades
I have pretty decent grades
I have average grades
I have bad grades
Question of
What’s your take on money?
The more the money, the higher the economy of a country
Money is something you earn to spend/save
Money is a basic need
I can’t define it
Question of
Should you save money for the rainy days?
Yes, definitely.
Yeah, but don’t forget to enjoy the present too!
I’m not sure about it.
Honestly, I don’t believe in saving money.
Question of
Which goal resonates with you most?
Making tons of money
Having a respectable job, preferably in the corporate sector
Becoming the best in whatever career path I choose
Do something good for the needy
Question of
What was your favorite subject in school?
Social Sciences
Question of
Do you have any money in your savings account?
Yes (Ssssh..can’t share the deets, though!)
I recently started saving. So, yeah, I do have some.
As of now, no. But I’m thinking to start saving.
I don’t, and I don’t intend to start anytime soon.
Question of
Do you wish to build soft skills or quantitative skills?
Quantitative skills, any day!
Can’t say
Soft skills
Question of
What kind of profession would you prefer?
Financial Advisor/Insurance agent/Something to do with the Stock Market
Something to do with business
Customer Service Industry/Management/Human Resource
Question of
Have you ever heard of Simple Interest and Compound Interest?
Yes, I could define them if you want.
I know one of them.
I’ve heard it before but don’t know what it is about.
Those terms are alien to me.
Question of
Your friend is in a financial mess – what would you advise them?
Save, save, and save for the future!
Give them some money managerial tips.
I’d seek advice from an expert first before talking to them.
I’m in need of financial advice myself.
Question of
What do you do on payday?
Make a monthly budget
Pay the bills first
Spend on my needs
Shop, eat and have fun