Would you like to take this teenage anger issues test to find out more about it, either for your teenager or for yourself?
Teenagers are known to be moody and irritable. They get angry with small things or even for no reason!.
Some teens vent out their frustration and anger by lashing out at people unreasonably. This is bad but what is even worse is when teenagers are angry but unable to express it.
Remaining angry and not having an outlet can negatively impact their health, family life, social life, relationships, apart from their academic performance.
Symptoms and degrees of anger will differ for different individuals. This test can help you to determine if there is any need to consult a professional or not.
Question of
How often do you lose your temper?
Every few hours
Once every day
Once in a while
Question of
When angry, do you get physical?
Very often
Question of
When things don’t go your way, do you get angry?
Question of
Do you have a large friend group?
I have a few friends
I am friendly
Yes, I have a lot of friends
Question of
How would your friends describe you?
No idea
Decent person
Likable person
Fantastic friend
Question of
How do you react when someone cancels plans?
Get very angry
Argue with the person
Sit at home and sulk
Make another plan
Question of
How do you take criticism?
Immediately criticize in a tit for tat
It annoys me
I don’t care
Try to understand
Question of
Do you respect your teachers?
They don’t deserve respect
I don’t care
Only a few
Most of them
Question of
Do you play any sport or musical instrument?
I only play video games
I am not good enough
I don’t like to practice
Yes, I am on the school team
Question of
Do you help with chores at home?
No, I don’t like to
If forced by parents
Do it for money
Yes, all the time
Question of
Do you make friends easily?
No, it is difficult
It takes time
All the time
Question of
Do you have friends of the opposite sex?
No, I am shy
Very few
Yes, some
Yes, lots
Question of
Do you lie to your parents, teachers, etc.?
All the time
Question of
Do people keep asking you to calm down?
Yes, I don’t know why!
Sometimes when I embarrass them
When I start yelling and arguing
Yes when I start arguing with the referee over points
Question of
Do you feel physically ill when angry?
I get headaches, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Sometimes I have an upset stomach
I just feel heaviness in my head but it goes with the anger
I don’t get that angry
Question of
Do you use anger as an intimidating or bargaining tool?
When I am angry, I can’t think
Many times
Only if it seems necessary
No, never
Question of
How is your academic performance?
Not so good
Alright but can be better
I should be working harder
I am in the top 10
Question of
Are there anger issues in your family?
Yes! Everyone in my family is always angry
One of my uncles has a nasty temper
My parents argue once in a while
No, there are no anger issues
Question of
Do you drink or smoke regularly?
Yes, almost daily
When my parents are out
Most weekends
Occasionally at parties
Question of
Do you find it difficult to communicate?
Yes, nobody understands
Some people don’t listen well
I don’t have the patience to explain
I am a good communicator