Minecraft is this generation’s Super Mario. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve certainly heard about the phenomenal blocky video game.
The game’s merch can be found everywhere, including your local mall.
There’s even an educational version of the game that can help educators explain concepts in an easier manner.
If you’re a Minecraft gamer, you probably already know all of that and eager to answer What is the hardest Minecraft question, and today, you can answer them by nailing this hardest Minecraft quiz!.
Question of
Let’s start with a simple one: do you know what Minecraft is?
Nope, it’s only for kids
Nope, it’s too old for me
I’m pretty sure the game is too violent
Of course, I do. It’s an educational sandbox game that’s part of the Swedish school’s curriculum!
Question of
Which of these consoles can you play Minecraft on?
A computer
An Xbox
A Smartphone
All of the above
Question of
Who created Minecraft?
Markus Persson
Donald Donnelly
Magnus Carlson
Matthew Marcusson
Question of
How can you make a large chest in Minecraft?
You buy one!
You place three chests next to each other
You place a couple of chests next to each other
Wait, there are big chests in Minecraft?
Question of
Creepers are scary, but they’re also scared of one creature in Minecraft. What is it?
Question of
When you kill an Ender Dragon, you get one item. Which is it?
A tiny, cute dragon
An egg
A donkey
Question of
When playing in “Survival” mode, which combo is essential for you to make it to the morning?
A weapon and some food
Light and shelter
Food and shelter
I don’t need anything to survive!
Question of
Creepers are Minecraft’s most famous enemies. What do they do when they get too close to you?
They explode
They hug me
They make a scary face
They turn red
Question of
Which of the following can you plant in your Minecraft garden?
Dragon fruit
Question of
The game has multiple kinds of food that you can consume. Which of the following foods will fill you up the most?
A piece of fruit
A baked potato
An entire cake
A vegetable
Question of
How far down do you need to dig to find diamonds in Minecraft?
15 layers
20 layers
Around 18.5 layers
Around 18.5 layers
Question of
How tall and wide is Ghast?
One big block
Who is Ghast?
Four blocks
Around ten blocks
Question of
Complicated machines can be built using one ore. Which is it?
Question of
When playing Minecraft, you fight a series of mobs. Who’s the final boss?
The Ghast Cow
The Ender Dragon
The Creeper King
Wait, you can fight mobs in Minecraft?
Question of
Which vegetable can you use o make a Night Vision potion?
Iron Cabbage
Brass Potato
Golden Carrot
Diamond Turnip
Question of
When do mobs spawn in Minecraft?
Any time of the day
Whenever they can
At day
At night
Question of
Horses are one of the coolest animals in Minecraft. How can you tame one?
Keep giving it apples until it starts to like you!
Get close to it and right-click it on it with nothing in your hand
Trap it with a fence and keep roaming around it
Why would I want to tame a horse?
Question of
How can you visit the End to fight the Ender Dragan?
Look for a portal in a stronghold
Create a portal out of obsidian
Look for a portal in a Nether fort
Keep walking north until I find it
Question of
Which unique headwear can you use to stay safe in the End?
A Pirate’s eyepatch
A leather hat
A wig
A pumpkin
Question of
What happens when you defeat the Ender Dragon and leave the End?
A Creeper come with a cake as an offering of peace
The credits roll, but the game isn’t over
The credits roll, and the game is over
Question of
Minecraft had a huge announcement back in September 2014. What happened?
The game was being bought by the tech giant Microsoft
Notch was quitting the Minecraft team
Minecraft was closing down
The game developers were trying to get money for a Creeper-head etching on a wall of the Grand Canyon
Question of
Minecraft can be used as an educational tool. Which subjects can be taught using the game?
Music and Arts
All of the above
Question of
The Youtuber and gamer theinternetftw become super famous because of which Minecraft achievement?
He built a working 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in Minecraft
He built a big castle in Minecraft
Who is theinternetftw?
He recreated Game of Thrones’ King’s Landing in Minecraft
Question of
What’s Minecraft’s Story Mode?
It’s a mod that lets you add narration to your adventures in Minecraft
An adventure game set in Minecraft that was developed by Telltale Games
A Minecraft achievement that you get by trading with librarians
Doesn’t Exist