When it first came out back in 2017, Fortnite took the world by storm. Three years later, it’s still as popular as ever, with millions of people playing it every single day, and that’s for good reason. After all, it’s not every day that you see a video game that’s as free, well-designed, and welcoming as Fortnite.
So, are you a Fortnite enthusiast?
Well, you have to prove it through this Fortnite quiz!
But first, let us explore what makes Fortnite such a popular game!
Why Is Fortnite So Popular?
There are many reasons that make Fortnite such a popular game.
For starters, Fortnite is free to play. Players don’t need to spend wads of cash to play with their friends, making this game more accessible than other multiplayer titles, such as Call of Duty, Star Wars: Battlefront II, and PUBG.
Moreover, the game is full of shareable moments. After all, being a Battle Royale title, Fortnite is designed to be a blank slate for vivid personal stories. A hundred narrative unfolds every time the bus cruises over the island, many of which are worth sharing with everyone you know.
Furthermore, Fortnite is a cross-platform game, which means that PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Mobile gamers can compete against each other.
Equally appealing is the fact that many celebrities play Fortnite, including the American rapper Drake, who live streams some of his matches on Twitch. Famous YouTubers share the same passion for the game, including PewDiePie and Jacksepticeye.
There’s also the fact that Fortnite’s visual style is far less violent than many of its counterparts, making the game appealing to different ages and audiences. The open world of Fortnite is cartoonish and welcoming, unlike most shooter multiplayer games.
Finally, Fortnite isn’t just another typical shooter game. It has a unique design that makes it more of a tactical game, as eliminating enemies in Fortnite isn’t a matter of having twitchy first-person shooter skills and making use of pre-existing environmental elements. Instead, you have to make use of cover and master geometry if you want to get your Victory Royale every single time.
What About the Hate the Game Has Been Getting?
Granted, despite all of its perks, Fortnite has been getting a lot of hate over the years, but hey, so did Minecraft when it first came out, and look how popular and successful it is nowadays.
So, if you love Fortnite, then congrats, it’s a great game, and your love is warranted! On the other hand, if you don’t like the game just because of others’ opinions towards it, consider giving it a chance, as it might be right up your alley!
Prove Your Love by Taking This Fortnite Quiz!
If you’re a vivid Fortnite gamer, you must know a lot about the game. That said, not everyone who plays the game can be called a true gamer unless they know a thing or two about it.
So, how well do you know your favorite game?
Take this Fortnite quiz to find out!
Question of
Let’s start with an easy question: how much does the game cost?
It doesn’t cost a dime. It’s free!
Around ten bucks
I believe it’s over 49 dollars
*Inserts one-million-dollar gif*
Question of
One of the following YouTubers is mainly known for his Fortnite skills. Can you guess who?
Question of
One of the following YouTubers is NOT known for his Fortnite prowess. Can you guess who?
Turner “TFue” Tenney
Question of
Fortnite has many rivals in the multiplayer shooter genre. One of them is often described as a more grown-up version of Fortnite. Which one is it?
Apex Legends
Question of
What happened to Dusty Depot in season four of Fortnite?
It was destroyed by a meteor
It was hit by a massive nuke
A rocket was crashed there by The Visitor
It just disappeared
Question of
Which DC superhero has recently joined the ranks of Fortnite characters?
Plastic Man
Question of
One of the following modes allows players to interact with their friends, and practice building as well as shooting without fear of being eliminated?
50 vs. 50
High Explosives
High Ground
Question of
One of the following vehicles is available in Fortnite. Can you guess which one?
Shopping cart
Question of
Which is the first award for which Fortnite was nominated?
The Game Awards 2017
SXSW Gaming Awards
Academy Game Award, the 14th edition
Fortnite has never been nominated for any award
Question of
Fortnite is full of llamas. What’s their purpose?
They’re great sources of food
They’re great sources of resources
They’re great sources of death and destruction
They’re just there for show
Question of
What’s Fortnite’s main currency for skins and dances?
Question of
Fortnite has a neat color-coding system. What’s its purpose?
It’s used to rank players by their skill level
It’s used to rank items and weapons according to how rare they are
It’s used to inform players of how many opponents are left
It’s used to differentiate players
Question of
What’s the max health of a motorboat?
Question of
On which side of the island could you find The Authority?
Wait, what is The Authority?
Question of
Who invented the Floss dance that Fortnite is known for?
Taylor Swift
The backpack kid
Will Smith
Question of
What’s different about the island in the third season of Fortnite?
The island has more roads
The southern coast now has a fish and chip restaurant
Water, water, water!
An earthquake sank the island
Question of
Which of the following animals can be used to move around the island?
Question of
By the end of the second season, there were three ‘Top Secret’ folders for three characters: Lynx, Midas, and who else?
SpongeBob Squarepants
Question of
In the third season, a new location was added for players to explore. Which is it?
Hilly Henry
Rickety Rick
Wobbly Wayne
Pleasant Pete
Question of
What are dances called in Fortnite?