You’ve found this reverse mortgage quiz because you have a very big decision to make. Freeing up your equity would be nice, but is it the correct move for you at this point in time?
You may see the dollar signs and think this is the best idea ever, but there is a lot to take into consideration.
You need to think about whether you want to leave anything to your family.
You also need to consider how quickly you’re going to go through the money with the plans you have in mind and if it would be better to wait.
We’ve made this quiz so you can know whether you’re doing the right thing.
Question of
Do you already have savings?
No, we don’t
Not a lot
Yes, some
Yes, we have plenty
Question of
If you don’t mind us asking, how old are you?
Over 65
Over 60
Over 55
Over 50
Question of
Do you care about leaving money behind for your family?
Not particularly
Yes, I would like to if possible
It’s very important to me
Question of
Would you say your home is in good order?
It’s perfect
It needs no major work
It could do with some work
It needs a lot of work
Question of
Is there any chance you’ll want to move in the near future?
Definitely not
Probably not
Question of
Do you have a mortgage currently?
It’s almost paid off
Yes, owe a fair amount
Yes, still owe a lot
Question of
Do you have federal debt?
Yes, and worry we may fall behind on payments
Yes, and we’re already behind on payments
Question of
Could you lower your expenses instead?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Question of
Is downsizing feasible instead?
Probably not
Question of
What do you hope to do with the money?
Use it for investments
More holidays
Daily living
Don’t know yet