Seeing weird dreams frequently can cause you to wonder what is the universe trying to tell.
While some people don’t believe in the theory of dream revelation, some of us are curious and want to know the hidden meanings.
Truth be told, there aren’t many legit answers out there.
But if you take this easy “What do your dream means quiz”, you might just figure out something surprising.
Question of
How many of hours do you sleep?
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
More than 9 hours
Question of
What are your opinions on dreams?
Dreams are our alternate realities
It is just a chemical reaction our brain
It is our subconscious mind hinting us something
Dreams don’t have any meaning
Question of
How often do you dream about your loved ones?
All the time
Very frequently
Very rarely
I don’t dream about people I know
Question of
Have you ever put a dreamcatcher above your bed?
Yes, I keep one.
I kept one long time ago.
I have never kept one but I want to.
I don’t believe in it.
Question of
What kind of dreams do you dislike the most?
One where I’m sad or hurt.
One where I’m scared.
One where I am angry and violent.
One where nothing makes sense.
Question of
Which kind of dreams do you see the most?
Dreams of me being chased by animals.
Dreams of me losing my hair or teeth.
Dreams of me falling from a tall height.
Dreams of losing my loved ones.
Question of
Who do you talk to about your dreams?
My boyfriend
My friends
My family
I don’t talk about it with anybody
Question of
What do you do before going to sleep?
I put the alarm
I make a small prayer
I turn off the TV and lights
I make my bed
Question of
Do you often get nightmares?
Yes, once every month
Yes, once every few days
No, I never get nightmares
Not really but once in a blue moon
Question of
What are your thoughts on dream symbolization?
I think we see what we choose to see
They could be hinting at our psychological state of mind
I believe there is definitely some connection of my dream with my reality
There is no symbol. They are just random things.