When you’re in a relationship, it’s only natural for you to wonder how good of a girlfriend you are.
After all, your expectations will depend on your performance and what you add to the relationship.
That said, before assessing your performance in your relationship, you must find out what kind of girlfriend you are.
Because, as you know, what kind of girlfriend you mainly depends on your personality.
So, if that’s something you want to discover, take this “what kind of girlfriend am I Quiz”.
Question of
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
My sense of humor
My intelligence
My confidence
My loyalty
Question of
How would your partner describe you?
Question of
What’s your favorite romantic activity?
A romantic dinner at home
A romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant
Video game night so that I can beat him in every round
Robbing a bank together
Question of
What would you do if you found out that your boyfriend cheated on you?
I’d be super sad
I’d be super angry, but I’d probably let it slide if he takes me to dinner
He’d have to pay for it!
I’d probably just kill him
Question of
Where would you go on a vacation together?
Anywhere as long as I’m with him!
Paris, of course
I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t let him choose the destination, that’s for sure
An off-the-grid adventure in the west would be nice
Question of
What would be the perfect gift from your partner?
An expensive dress
A fancy watch
A kiss would be enough!
Question of
Who takes care of the finances in your relationship?
We do it together
Each of us takes care of their own finances
Me, of course. I’d be stupid to let him do it.
Does it really matter?
Question of
Your partner comes home with a body in a bag. What do you do?
I panic, obviously!
I call the police
I ask him what he did, then call the police
I help him get rid of it, of course
Question of
Your partner calls asking about what you planned for dinner. What’s your answer?
I ask him what he wants for dinner and start cooking it right away!
I make reservations and start getting dressed for a fancy dinner
What am I, his cook? He better gets his sorry butt home to cook something himself!
I ask him to pick some food on his way home
Question of
Your boyfriend doesn’t call all day long. What do you think?
I get super worried about him
I call him?
Nothing, I’m busy.
Nothing. I fully trust that he’s okay and not cheating on me.
Question of
What do you usually prepare for your boyfriend’s birthday?
I make him dinner! And lots of popcorn!
I make reservations at a fancy restaurant
I get him some nice presents
I take him out so we can watch the stars together!
Question of
Do you do your boyfriend’s laundry?
Nope, that’s gross
Nah, HE does MY laundry
Why not?
Question of
What would you do if your boyfriend started flirting with another girl?
I’d be sad, but I’d probably give him another chance to redeem himself.
I’d cause a scene, of course.
I’d break up with him. He doesn’t deserve me.
I’d kill both of them.
Question of
When do you know someone is serious about you?
When they start farting when I’m around
When they propose
When I decide they are?
When I ask them to kill someone, and they do it
Question of
Which of the following situations make you feel the most loved?
When he gives up a night out with the guys to stay home and cuddle with me
When he gives me a thoughtful gift?
When he tells me, he wants to be with me forever
When he tells me, he wants to be with me forever