Most Common Issue in Youngsters: Technology Addiction

You will agree that tech has played a significant role in advancing humanity. That is one of the core reasons why the brightest minds in the world in the tech industry are always hoping for subsequent significant discoveries and inventions. Industries such as health, communication, hospitality, and education have benefited from technological advancement.

In addition, tech has made our day-to-day activities much more hassle-free. Classes, meetings, conferences, and seminars can be set up with just a few clicks. Communication has also gotten better, and parents can easily connect with their kids.

However, technology does come with downsides, especially among youngsters. That brings us to addiction. A lot of people in the world are battling technology addiction. According to Business Insider, approximately 420 million people worldwide struggle with internet addiction.

Technology addiction falls under the category of behavioral addiction. This addiction is widely recognized by mental health and addiction professionals. Behavioral addiction is referred to the progressive inability to control, regulate, and limit behavior. In the same vein, technology addiction can be likened to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Shortly, we will walk you through everything you need to know about technology addiction.

Likely Signs and Symptoms of Technology Addiction Among Youngsters

Addiction to video games, online gambling, social media, and internet dependence are some of the typical examples of technology addiction. Here are some possible signs and symptoms of technology addiction you should look out for among youngsters.

  • Unable to control the use of screen media. Also, teens and young adults sneak off to use screen media.
  • Youngsters feel disappointed and fall apart when they can’t access video games, social media, and mobile devices.
  • Isolation is caused by technology addiction.
  • Neglect of academic pursuit, activities, and interests suffering from spending more time with technology.
  • Feeling low, irritable, restless, and moody after attempting to cut back technology usage.
  • Inability to be mental health professionals, family members, and friends about technology usage.
  • Risk of friendships and relationships to spend more time with the internet, social media, video games, and smartphone devices.
  • Too much dependence on technology to regulate mood and get relief
  • Sleep deprivation, fatigue, and feeling apathetic.
  • Screen usage causes problems for the family.

How Technology Addiction Becomes Prevalent Among Youngsters

Determining how technology addiction is prevalent among youngsters might be hard to crack. But a 2012 study has proven that approximately 4.4% of European adolescents struggle with pathological internet usage.

Likewise, another study suggests that internet usage interferes with the work, family, and social life of about 14% of people.

Unfortunately, social media and video games developers are constantly exploiting these addictive tendencies to create new products. These sinister intentions are hidden behind words like a compulsion.

The Impact of Technology Addiction on the Brain

Addiction to technology can be likened to addiction to chemical substances on a neurological level. That is why the brain releases dopamine and other related feel-good chemicals when a video game is won or has a high level of engagement on social media. Over time, there will be more cravings for dopamine release, and more stimuli are needed to get the same results.

Ways to Manage Gaming With Youngsters

Technology addiction among the young ones often takes two forms. They are gaming addiction and addiction to smartphone devices. Now we will look at ways to manage gaming with younger ones.

  • Come up with a time limit and ensure that they stick with it.
  • Encourage your kids to only play online games with friends they know in real life.
  • If you caught your kids sneaking or not abiding by said rules, enforce a total break from video games.
  • Please encourage them to engage in beneficial activities like exercising.
  • Try out some DBT Courses to see if it helps.

Ways to Manage Addiction to Smartphone Devices

  • First off, it’s best to wait for your kids to get to 8th grade before they are accessible to mobile devices.
  • Kids tend to follow set examples. Therefore, you should lead by example with your smartphone usage.
  • Kids must hand over their phones when asked by their parents.
  • Ensure that they do not go to school with their smartphones
  • Enlighten your kids about privacy settings when utilizing apps.
  • Limit the time they spend on social media.

Technology Addiction in Teenagers

Studies have proven that the rational part of an adolescent brain fully develops at 25. Consequently, the brain’s pathways that are not used are trimmed away. In the same vein, the brain’s pathways often used are strengthened, which means human habits in adolescence influence the brain.

Sadly, when a brain is designed for the exception and the reward of technology addiction, teens are prone to compulsive loops later in their lives. Also, adolescence is where teens form their identity and build up their social skills. Therefore, when technology obsession replaces real-life interaction, a child’s emotional development and social life may be adversely affected. It’s no secret sleep. It is suitable for the body, especially for teens.

How You Can Manage Technology At Night

As it helps nourish the brain and the body. However, there are times technology comes in the way of their sleep. You must know that technology can hurt the sleep cycle and increase the level of dependence on technology. Luckily, we have come up with ways to manage technology at night.

  • No electronics should be allowed in the room after light out.
  • No screen time 30 to 40 minutes before bedtime
  • Alarm clocks should be used to wake up and not smartphone devices.
  • Ensure that there is a daily limit on electronic devices, except they are required for homework.

Treatment for Technology Addiction

As mentioned earlier, addiction to technology is categorized under compulsive disorder. And like addiction to drugs and adult entertainment videos, it can be pretty hard to do without technology. Kids struggling with technology addiction are dependent on video games, the internet, social media, and mobile devices. Sometimes, they can even experience some withdrawal symptoms.

Medical experts and researchers recommend different options to treat technology addiction. These options differ per person and facility. They include:

Group Therapy

Group therapy is beneficial for teen electronic addiction and young adults battling technology, alcohol, gambling, and other addictions. Apart from helping them recover, it also doubles as a social skills enhancer. They often spend more time in groups with their peers and age grades. Therefore, group therapy will help them build confidence. Also, hearing other stories about how others battle addiction can help them approach life differently.

How does group therapy work?

Group therapy is a counseling session held in groups. It usually led to one or two therapists. The session serves as a safe environment for teens and young adults to share and process their addiction struggles due to its supportive, social, and encouraging nature.

Besides having clinical settings, group therapy takes different forms like recreational activities, art sessions, and many more. However, the common forms of group therapy include interpersonal process, psychoeducational, support, skill development, and interpersonal process.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The first option is a structural psychotherapy treatment called talk therapy. CBT is a short-term treatment that helps the patient identify negative thinking. Over the cause of time, the patient will be able to come up with ways to handle challenges more efficiently and healthily.

In sessions, the patient will be working hand-in-hand with mental health experts like psychotherapists and clinical social workers. CBT is the proper treatment for teenagers who use technology to escape depressing thoughts like lack of social skills and low self-esteem. When the treatment is complete, the patient’s mindset and technology usage are restructured.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

MET is a counseling therapy program to help patients battling technology addiction, substance abuse, and behavioral disorder. Motivational enhancement therapy focuses on eliminating any doubt about achieving goals and constantly inspiring internalized change.

MET is a non-confrontational and collaborative effort utilized with other treatments like medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. In sessions, mental health experts conduct motivational interviews. These interviews are designed to help patients pinpoint their feelings during and after using technology. With MET, patients can develop ways to justify and rationalize their obsessive technology usage.

Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT)

As the name connotes, MAT helps patients struggling with technology abuse and mental and behavioral disorders with medication. The treatment requires that mental health experts prescribe medication to the patients. These medications will help patients with symptoms like depression and anxiety.

Each of these sessions is medically based. The medication depends on individual needs. MAT is combined with other technology addiction treatment psychotherapy. Apart from addiction to technology, MAT is used to treat mental health disorders and other kinds of addiction.

Exposure Therapy

This treatment helps patients face their fears. During this session, the patient will have to avoid using technology for a certain period in a safe environment.

After many exposure therapy sessions, the patient will slowly break off the pattern of fear triggering the compulsive usage of technology. The treatment will help the patients regulate their emotions, relearn new health beliefs, and make them realize they are capable of change. Apart from that, their fears and avoidance are reduced.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy is a modified cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps the patient live in the present. It helps the patient develop ways to cope with stress, control their emotions, and enhance their relationship with others.


Technology addiction is one of the significant addictions many teens and young adults are battling. You need to have a rich understanding of the subject, watch out for the signs and symptoms, and consult mental health experts. The addiction is treated at different facilities. However, try as much as possible to manage their screen time and their time with their tech gadgets.

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